November 22, 2023

Biden Impeachment Vote Likely in January

Many House Republicans have been disappointed that an impeachment vote has not yet taken place for Biden.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) recently stated that he expects a vote to take place in January.

The vote, however, may be compromised because there are Republicans in more moderate areas who are very concerned about how this could hurt their chances of re-election.

Hold the Vote

Even though Jordan plans on holding the vote in January, some Republicans want the vote held sooner, believing they have enough evidence against Joe Biden right now.

The resolution would need 218 votes to pass and while deep red Republicans are confident in the impeachment, as we noted above, those in more moderate states may not back the legislation.

This presents the House Republicans and Speaker Johnson with a nightmare scenario.

I have ripped Republicans numerous times for not properly counting votes before putting a piece of legislation on the floor, with bills failing to pass because the entire GOP caucus did not support them.

The sole purpose of the Speaker, Whip, and Majority Leader is to ensure they have this support.

The point is that if they do this with impeachment legislation, it is going to be a massive black eye for Republicans.

It will also energize Democrat voters and provide plenty of ammunition for Democrats during the 2024 cycle.

I noted before how this is a high-risk, low-reward proposition because, ultimately, this will all be in vain due to the fact Democrats control the Senate and Schumer may just decide to shelve the legislation and not even hold an impeachment trial.

If Republicans move forward with this vote, regardless of how it turns out in terms of passing or failing, it could put the final nail in the coffin of any hopes Republicans have of holding on to the House.

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