October 19, 2023

Biden Hamas ‘Joke’ Falls Flat

You know Uncle Bernie who comes to all the family functions and has no filter? Well, that has become Joe Biden.

Once again, Biden made what he appeared to think was a joke or, at the very least, an attempt a levity, at the completely wrong time.

The internet erupted after his comments, which were in bad taste, to say the least.

The Big Photo Op

The entire trip by Biden to Israel was nothing more than a massive photo op for Joe Biden.

He wanted to be seen embracing Prime Minister Netanyahu and consoling Israelis so his surrogates could pump out the pictures on social media and make Joe look like he cared.

This was just a multi-million dollar photo op for Biden and anyone who thinks anything else is just being foolish.

To make matters worse, Biden cracked a joke about the hospital in Gaza that was blown up by a malfunctioning Hamas rocket.

Biden told the media, “I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it. It’s that old thing: Gotta learn how to shoot straight.

“It’s not the first time that Hamas has launched something that didn’t function very well.”

Not only was it not the time for such a comment, but had Hamas shot the rocket properly, it would have hit Israel, killing God only knows how many more people.

Someone needs to give Joe a lesson on how to read the room, when to be somber, and when to crack one of his stupid jokes.

Joe was on the go for almost a full 24 straight hours, and it showed while doing an interview on Air Force One. After Biden made the comments above, he went on some long-winded rant of which nobody could make heads or tails.

The biggest news from this press conference seemed to be Joe’s chin…

We have to get this man out of the White House.

He has ruined our economy, he has made the world a less safe place, and he has cost American troops their lives, just to name a few of the debacles since he has been in office.

We simply cannot afford to lose in 2024… we have to win the Senate back, we must expand our lead in the House, and we absolutely have to take the White House back.

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