July 12, 2024

Biden Gaffe-filled Pressure Just Enough to Keep Him in Election

On Thursday afternoon, Joe Biden held a press conference to try to save his campaign.

Ironically, there were Dems rooting for him to fail and Republicans who wanted Biden to succeed to keep him in the race.

Biden’s more or less wound up in the middle, not really changing anyone’s position.

Still In

That performance by Biden on Thursday was enough to continue the calls for his removal from the race as well as having his supporters say that he did well enough to continue to stay in the race.

The presser was far from error-free for Biden, but the usual spin machine went into overdrive.

For instance, Biden confused Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, referring to Trump as his vice president.

Biden was asked a question regarding him dropping out of the race if it appeared that Harris could do better against Trump, and he responded, “Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, did I think she was not qualified to be president. So let’s start there.”

Biden also stated that when it comes to military decisions, he defers to his commander-in-chief, stating, "And so our military is where, I’m following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my, my, the Chief of Staff of the military, as well as the secretary of defense and our intelligence people, and we’re making a day to day basis on what they should and should, how far they should win. That’s a logical thing to do.”

When Biden was later asked if he knew the difference between Harris and Trump, he responded that one of them was a prosecutor and one was a felon, again trying to make light of the situation with a joke that fell flat.

But, as we stated above, this was probably the worst-case scenario for Democrats, who know that Biden did just enough to keep his campaign alive.

At this point, Bidne’s supporters have set the bar so low to justify Biden’s campaign that as long as he does not drop dead on stage, he will be the nominee.

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