December 19, 2023

Biden Facing Record-low Approval Ratings While Trump Soars

Joe Biden and administration officials continue to tell Americans how great they are doing under Joe Biden’s administration, but the American people are not buying what Joe is selling.

He is also facing additional scrutiny over Ukraine and Israel, with even his own side of the aisle coming after him over Israel.

This has all led to record-low approval ratings for Biden, while at the same time, Trump is beginning to soar.

Big Problems for Joe

The latest Monmouth University Poll came out and it was all bad news for Biden.

His approval rating has dipped to 34%, the worst of his presidency, and Biden has not been on the right side of 40% for months (he was at 44% in July). With the election only 11 months away, the big question is if he can do anything to get that trending in a different direction.

Biden’s disapproval rating is also at a record high, currently sitting at 61%, up from 55% in September.

The rather amusing aspect of all of this is that Biden’s highest approval rating was achieved before he ever took office, in January 2021, hitting 54%, solely because of the resistance and hatred for Donald Trump.

Biden cannot even carry his party at this point, having only a 74% approval rating among Democrats, down from 88% in July and 80% in September.

Generally speaking, even a failing president would be carrying a mid-80s to low 90s approval rating within their party.

Since Biden refuses to back down on his energy and immigration policies, as well as continuing to promote Bidenomics as a successful economic agenda, it is tough to imagine what changes will be put in place to give his numbers a boost before the election.

There are quite a few economists who believe this will be a tough winter, so if the market starts to crash and energy prices soar, Biden could be gifting the presidency to Donald Trump, with his only hope being that Trump gets convicted of a felony after winning the GOP nomination.

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