December 7, 2023

Biden EV Bill Blocked with Bipartisan Vote in House

Joe Biden is about to take sole responsibility for his very aggressive electric vehicle agenda.

The Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act was just passed through the House with five Democrats crossing the aisle.

The legislation is expected to pass through the Senate, which means Biden will be forced to veto it if he wants to block it.

Who is the Dictator?

As noted above, the legislation passed through the House with bipartisan support, passing 221-197.

There are Democrat Senators who also support this legislation, which is to block a very aggressive new set of standards by the EPA to declare war on gasoline-powered vehicles.

The Democrat House and Energy Committee is trying to counter the narrative, sending out a memo that stated, "Republicans are employing scare tactics to deliberately mislead the American people about EVs in order to prop up Big Oil corporations.

"The reality is that EVs are already popular, cheaper to own, and ongoing technological advancements are translating to better options for consumers every year."

That is like saying Obamacare made health insurance more affordable.

Let me put it this way… even industry experts who support the transition to EVs think Biden is being way too aggressive here.

For instance, John Bozzella, the CEO of the large auto industry group Alliance for Automotive Innovation, which supports EVs, stated, "Auto Innovators does not believe [the proposed standards] can be met without substantially increasing the cost of vehicles, reducing consumer choice, and disadvantaging major portions of the United States population.”

Biden is already on record saying he will veto this legislation, but that is fine, let him be the one that hangs his hat on these new regulations so Americans know where to point the finger.

In case you are counting, if Biden vetoes this legislation, it will be the eighth bill that he vetoed under a split Congress, meaning every bill that has been vetoed has been bipartisan in nature.

Yet, he calls Trump the dictator.

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