November 26, 2023

Biden encounters pro-Palestinian protesters while vacationing in Nantucket

Amid declining poll numbers and growing doubts about his 2024 re-election bid, President Joe Biden sought refuge in Nantucket, Massachusetts over the Thanksgiving weekend, but he was unable to dodge pro-Palestinian demonstrators who were determined to make their voices heard as they symbolically charged him with genocide, as Fox News reports.

Despite the luxurious environs in which the first family surrounded itself, those standing in opposition to Biden's support of Israel did their best to disrupt the president's festive getaway.

Double trouble

It was not just once, but twice that the pro-Palestinian activists managed to spot Biden as he navigated some of his family's annual traditions.

On Friday, as the president and his loved ones left a lunch outing, protestors got as close as Biden's security detail would permit,

Later, at a local tree-lighting event, the angry faction spotted the president once more, chanting their familiar refrains of “Biden, Biden, you can't hide. We charge you with genocide!” and “Free Palestine!”

Though the presence of the protestors was hard to miss, Biden did not seem to acknowledge them in any appreciable way, instead devoting his concentration to interacting with those participating in the holiday event.

Biden bleeds support

Unfortunately for Biden, the discontent expressed over the weekend is not just among a small, but vocal minority of folks on a Nantucket street corner but extends to a growing portion of his voter base, as NBC News explains.

The president's overall approval rating has dropped to the lowest level since his inauguration, hitting a dismal 40% in recent days.

Biden has suffered particularly significant drops in support among Democrats – particularly younger ones – who oppose his full-throated support of Israel in its conflict with Hamas.

When asked by NBC News about his own reluctance to support Biden in the next election, 23-year-old Zico Schell of San Diego said simply, “Failed promises, student loans, foreign policy in general.”

Adding to Biden's woes is the precipitous drop in support from Arab Americans, as Reuters noted, a group that supported the president at a rate of 59% in 2020, a number which now comes in at just 17%.

In yet another foreboding signal for the Biden campaign, NBC News further reports that for the first time in this cycle, the president finds himself trailing Donald Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, a development that will surely spur existing speculation that a replacement candidate is needed if the Democrats stand a chance of prevailing next November.

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