February 23, 2024

Biden Dog Given Away After Secret Service Attacks

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love animals, which is why this report angers me so much.

Over the last few days, there has been a report blowing up regarding the attacks against Secret Service agents by Biden’s dog, Commander (as well as his other dog, Major).

It has now been revealed that Joe Biden gave the dog away to friends after the reports about the biting started to gain steam.

Kicking the Can

If you cannot give a pet a proper home and provide the proper training, you should not have the pet.

I have always believed that Joe Biden got those dogs as nothing more than props to try to help his floundering polls.

Even so, the least he could have done is ensure the dogs had the proper training to be in high-traffic areas, especially around armed individuals.

Any decent dog trainer would have been able to do this with those dogs, but Biden decided to bring Commander into the White House untrained.

This resulted in several Secret Service agents being bitten by the dog, which was downplayed by the White House as well as Joe and Jill Biden.

Well, it turned out the incidents were far worse than reported, with almost two dozen biting incidents, some of them fairly serious.

This got to the point where agents were hesitant around the dog, which only made the situation worse, as the dog detected the fear and reacted to it.

All of this first came to light last July, when the New York Post broke the story, but more documents have recently been obtained that revealed just how serious of an issue this was in Biden’s White House.

One incident report stated, “[The agent] heard the voice of what [he/she] believes to be FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden yelling ‘[redacted quote].’ Commander ran towards the direction of post [redacted] booth and bit [the agent] in the left forearm, [c]ausing a severe deep open wound.

“As [a] result of the attack [the agent] started to loose [sic] a significant amount of blood from [redacted pronoun] arm. [The agent] remained calm and walked away from the area looking for help. … [The agent] received six (6) stitches in the left hand forearm and antibiotics for the wound.”

Since the reports came out, the White House confirmed that Commander has been shuttled off to relatives.

As I have stated in other reports, this is on Joe and Jill Biden, who clearly just wanted a mascot instead of a pet they would care for and train properly.

You simply cannot blame the animal for its owner’s ignorance and incompetence.

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