January 25, 2024

Biden DHS Orders Texas Authorities to Stand Down

Joe Biden and Texas are more or less at war right now.

The Biden administration refuses to enforce border laws, so Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken matters into his own hands, deploying tactics such as razor wire at the border to deter migrants from entering illegally.

Now that the Supreme Court, courtesy of Chief Justice Roberts and Trump-appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett, has ruled that the federal government can block Texas from defending its border, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is calling for Texas to stand down on the border front.

Halt Operations

The decision by the Supreme Court stunned many, but I have stated many times that Roberts holds the key, as it always seems a Trump-appointed justice will cross the aisle with him in decisions such as this.

Honestly, I am still surprised that Roberts sided with the federal government over the state’s rights on this one.

Regardless, the decision was made, and now the government has been given permission by the court to cut and remove the wire that was put in place by the Texas National Guard.

The DHS has since released a statement ordering Texas to stand down.

It stated, “As you are aware, yesterday, the Supreme Court vacated the injunction prohibiting the Department from cutting or moving the concertina wire that Texas had placed along the border except in case of emergency, and restored the Department’s right to cut and move the concertina wire placed by Texas in order to perform their statutory duties.

“The Department must also have the ability to access the border in the Shelby Park area that is currently obstructed by Texas.

“The State has alleged that Shelby Park is open to the public, but we do not believe this statement is accurate.

“To our knowledge, Texas has only permitted access to Shelby Park by allowing public entry for a memorial, the media, and use of the golf course adjacent to Shelby Park, all while continuing to restrict U.S. Border Patrol’s access to the park. Please clarify the scope of access Texas permits to the public.”

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Lt. Chris Olivarez responded, stating, “The logical concern should be why the Federal Government continues to hinder Texas’ ability to protect its border, all while allowing for the exploitation, dangerous, & inhumane methods of permitting illegal immigrants, including children, to illegally cross a dangerous river where many have lost their lives.

“Texas is the only state using every strategy & resource to protect its sovereignty, combat criminal activity, & discourage illegal immigration. #Texas will continue to hold the line.”

It is quite clear that the right will argue about immigration and the economy, while the left will draw a line in the sand on abortion and Trump being a threat to democracy.

In other words, we are set up for an exact repeat of the narratives from the 2020 election.

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