March 17, 2024

Report: Biden Devastated Over Minority Voters Abandoning Party

It's one of Joe Biden's most famous lines.

You probably remember him saying it, we all do.

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black."

It really is one of the most racist things a politician has ever said in recent years, and it just goes to show what Democrats think of minorities.

Liberals don't think that they have anything to prove to the Black and Latino communities.

They've already let BLM run wild in the streets during 2020 when the rest of the country was locked down, so black people HAVE to vote liberal, right?

They've already destroyed our southern border with the goal of allowing as many immigrants into this country as possible, so people crossing that border HAVE to vote liberal, right?


Recent polls showed that minority voters are abandoning the Democratic Party in record numbers, and it could be the reason Joe Biden loses in November.

The MASSIVE lead that Democrats used to enjoy over Republicans when it comes to Black support has shrunk by an incredible 20 points.

Latino voters may have gone even further, with one poll actually claiming that Joe Biden is losing the Hispanic vote outright, 40% to 46%.

These communities were once considered almost automatic votes for liberal candidates, but the way that Democrats have run this country into the ground in recent years mean even that these groups of people who liberals constantly pander to are getting tired of them.

Do you think there's a chance that Donald Trump could actually win the Hispanic vote in November despite liberals constantly labelling him a racist?

Could Black and Latino voters actually be much smarter than liberals give them credit for?

If these new polls are anything to go by, I think that's exactly the case.

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To read more about this story, you can click on the original source here.

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