June 16, 2024

Biden deploying celebrities in emergency attempt to save White House bid

The Biden administration is rushing to deploy emergency tactics in order to keep the president in contention on Election Day 2024, and its latest trick shows just how little faith liberals actually have in the man at the top of the pyramid.

Instead of Joe Biden doing his own campaigning and raising credibility based on solid arguments and solutions to America's problems, his supporters are simply relying on celebrity star power to compete against Donald Trump.

A recent article on Axios admits exactly that, suggesting that Joe Biden will need to lean heavily on Hollywood if he wants any chance of contending with Donald Trump this November.

Film industry legend Jeffrey Katzenberg is said to be leading the pro-Biden charge inside Hollywood.

It makes sense, Katzenberg is "a Biden campaign co-chair known for 'The Lion King' and 'Shrek.'"

According to the New York Times's Peter Baker, "while Katzenberg has not solved Biden's age problem by any means... he's helped build a war chest that has been outpacing the Trump campaign."

Liberals seem to be openly admitting that Joe Biden isn't going to be the reason Joe Biden could get elected again.

If Biden does somehow get elected again, it will be because of what people like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton do.

The Biden campaign recently called an event the "most successful political fundraiser in American history." The punchline is that Joe Biden isn't even who people attended the event to see! Obama and Clinton were why so much money was raised at the event!

Biden is in serious trouble, and liberals know it.

He doesn't have the energy to make it through another campaign, much less another four years in office.

Donald Trump might be 78, but he looks like an energetic young man compared to Biden.

Biden has no chance without people like Obama, Clinton, and Katzenberg leading Biden's reelection efforts. Even with those characters onboard, it isn't looking good.

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source link here.

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