December 13, 2023

Biden Defense Team Wants DOJ to Dismiss Charges

Well, now I have seen it all…

Hunter Biden’s legal team is throwing up a Hail Mary, hoping to have his charges dismissed because of his last name.

According to the filing, Hunter’s attorneys want U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika to just toss the case.

Force Their Hand

Hunter Biden broke the law… that is not even open for discussion.

But his legal team is now pushing the narrative that the only reason charges were actually filed is because of Donald Trump and the weaponization of the DOJ against him.

The problem, of course, is that the charges did not come down until Joe Biden was in office and Merrick Garland was the Attorney General.

If the judge is not willing to toss the charges, Hunter’s legal team said it will demand the Department of Justice release all the behind-the-scenes deliberations regarding the case, which I would also love to see.

My bet is that those communications will show that Hunter and Joe were being protected, not the other way around.

Attorney Abbe Lowell is challenging why, when the investigation was launched in October 2018, did it take so long for the DOJ to file charges, but he should know the government moves at a snail’s pace. After all, look how long it took for the Trump charges to be announced.

So far, Special Counsel Weiss has pushed back very hard on these, and I am getting the feeling he is getting a little tired of Hunter’s privileged attitude as well as his constant whining that he should not be held accountable for his actions because he was an addict at the time.

Initially, Hunter was not going to be charged, but his attorneys tried to sneak a quick one through the courts, and the presiding judge caught it.

When the judge wanted the immunity clause removed, Hunter’s attorneys threw a fit and told prosecutors to rip up the deal, and they did, and now Hunter is facing nine new charges, including three felonies related to his taxes.

So, now Hunter’s attorneys are blaming Republicans, stating, "It is overwhelmingly clear that nothing the Justice Department could charge Mr. Biden with, no matter how unjustified, would satisfy these officials.”

Or maybe, just maybe, Hunter broke a bunch of laws, and the charges are just.

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