October 30, 2023

Speaker Johnson Accuses Biden of Cover-up

While few saw Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) being elevated to House Speaker before the fact, he is making the most of his 15 minutes.

Johnson has done some pretty explosive interviews as well as putting Joe Biden on notice regarding the impeachment as well as his funding legislation.

For instance, Johnson recently stated that Biden has engaged in an "ongoing cover-up" and has "lied repeatedly" regarding his involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Coming for Joe

Johnson says the impeachment inquiries do not have a predetermined outcome, as the evidence will be examined “methodically” before a conclusion is reached and a recommendation given to the Senate.

Johnson stated, "We are the rule of law team, and so we have to respect and regard due process and do this in a way that the founders would have intended. Impeachment is an awesome power that Congress has, and it is not intended to be, nor should it be, used as a political tool to be wielded lightly."

He added, "We’ve not predetermined the outcome of this. We’ve not pre-judged it. But I think everyone can see how it is unfolding.”

Johnson was also asked about the scope of the inquiry specifically in terms of it extending back to Biden’s days as vice president.

He responded, "I think I can argue the case that it should extend that far, but I’m not sure that we will have to in this case.

"We have an ongoing cover-up of the important facts as Joseph Biden is sitting in the Oval Office.

"We know that he stared right into the camera as the president and lied repeatedly—I mean, multiple times—he lied directly multiple times about his involvement and knowledge of his son’s business dealings. We all know that now."

I am mixed about this impeachment, as I have stated before.

While I believe that Biden is guilty as sin, we all know this impeachment would die in the Senate regardless of the evidence presented.

The question is if having the Senate dismiss the impeachment would help or hurt Biden’s chances of winning the election. How you answer that question pretty much determines whether or not you think this impeachment should move forward or not.

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