October 29, 2023

Biden Climate Czar Met With Failing EV Company Dependent On Handouts

If you haven't heard this name before, please memorize it now:

John Podesta.

He's a Biden liberal who is way more concerned with the leftist agenda than with the safety and well-being of America's future.

Podesta is Joe Biden's clean energy czar.

By now, we all know what it means when somebody is appointed to be the "czar" of something by Biden.

It means that person is working for America's liberals, not America's citizens.

Take Kamala Harris, for example. She's supposed to be America's "border czar."

Do you know why Biden gave her that role?

It's not because he wanted anything about our southern border fixed.

Biden wanted our southern border to stay broken so that illegal immigrants could enter America and start voting for him.

He appointed Kamala to "fix" the border because he KNEW that she would NEVER be able to get it done, even if she did try.

Kamala never put in any effort, so it was essentially a moot point. The "border czar" refused to even visit the site of the border for quite some time, showing just how serious Biden's administration was about actually fixing the problem.

Now, we're seeing the same thing in regard to electric vehicles.

EVs are not about what's doing best for Americans, it's about what's doing best for the pocketbooks of America's liberals.

Daniel Turner, the executive director of Power the Future, recently told America what was going on behind the curtain when it comes to the electric vehicle deals in the Biden administration.

"Well, Podesta has the largest slush fund, un-appropriated, probably in American history. As soon as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed, Biden and company announced it was actually an investment in green energy and yet it's not appropriated to anything. So, it makes sense that Rivian and other failing green energy companies are knocking on John Podesta's door," he said.

Podesta isn't in it for America. He's in it for the money and the connections.

Sound familiar?

After all, he is part of the Biden machine.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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