October 26, 2023

Biden Challenges Reporter on Palestinian Death Count

On Wednesday, Joe Biden was challenged by a reporter regarding the war plan by Israel.

The journalist cited death toll figures that came out of Palestine.

Biden shot the reporter down, challenging how truthful the figures may be.

No Confidence

PBS correspondent Laura Barrón-López asked Biden, "In the 18 days since Hamas killed 1,400 Israelis, the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says Israeli forces have killed over 6,000 Palestinians, including 2,700 children.

"You've previously asked Netanyahu to minimize civilian casualties. Do these numbers say to you that he's ignoring that message?"

Biden responded, "What they say to me is I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed.

"I'm sure innocents have been killed, and it's the price of waging a war. I think we should be incredibly careful… Israel should be incredibly careful to be sure that they're focusing on going after the folks that are the propagating this war against Israel.

“And it's against their interest when that doesn't happen. But I have no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using."

The phrasing by Biden was actually a massive misstep for the Democrat president.

He continuously referred to the numbers coming from the Palestinians, but these numbers are coming from a Hamas-controlled agency.

I bring this up because of how much Democrats are pushing the idea that Palestinians do not feel about Israel the way Hamas does. Biden basically called Palestine a bunch of liars, not Hamas, with that wording.

He is right, however, in terms of the reliability of those numbers, as I can guarantee you that Hamas is adding deaths that took place at the hands of Hamas as well as deaths from the Israeli counterattack.

I would also note that due to the nature of how Hamas fights, civilian deaths are going to occur. I am not trying to justify or minimize the impact of this, but this is just the nature of fighting a war in the Middle East.

For Israel to fight Hamas, its hands are going to get dirty at times, but the goal is to obviously keep the death toll of innocent people at a minimum.

I say again… get out of Gaza. That is the one surefire way to ensure you are not killed by mistake when Israel is fighting Hamas.

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