October 14, 2023

Biden Can't Handle Steps In Philadelphia

It's a word we've been using to describe Joe Biden's actions a lot lately:


It doesn't matter if we're talking about policy decisions or just our president's ability to walk in a straight line... Joe Biden has been wiping out left and right.

Remember his famous bike incident?

Or his troubles boarding Air Force One?

Or his time getting sandbagged?

Well, it doesn't seem like these incidents are going to slow down anytime soon with Old Joe getting older and older by the day.

On Oct. 13, Joe Biden nearly fell two separate times despite walking up a flight of stairs that only had five steps or so.

I'm not saying that our president needs to be the strongest man in the world.

But he does need to be able to keep his wits about him and have the energy to make important decisions to help us all.

The video evidence might be proving that Joe Biden is too old to do that for Americans anymore.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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