May 29, 2024

Biden Campaign Staffer Leak True Feelings to Politico

In public, Democrats are putting up a strong front that they believe Joe Biden is their guy.

However, a new report in Politico says that behind the scenes, it is a different story.

If the report is accurate, campaign staffers and high-profile Democrats are terrified that Biden is going to lose to Trump.

Sinking Ship

While not getting blown out of the water, Biden is trailing Trump in virtually every key battleground state and most national polling.

His numbers only get worse when third-party candidates are added, which is why one of Biden’s demands for the debates was that they would be head-to-head against Trump and nobody else.

When Biden is asked about polling, he says people are looking at the wrong polls, which is utterly comical.

That bravado is not in place behind the scenes, with one Democrat operative telling Politico, “You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy.”

He then added that Biden’s polling numbers are creating a “freakout” behind the scenes of the campaign.

He later added, “Donors ask me on an hourly basis about what I think.”

After noting the ways that Biden can lose is significant, “The list of why we ‘could’ win is so small I don’t even need to keep the list on my phone.”

The Biden campaign, at least publicly, is in denial when it sees momentum heading in Trump’s way.

For instance, Trump recently held a rally in the Bronx that drew far more people than anyone could have imagined, as well as a rally in New Jersey that drew roughly 100,000.

These are states that Biden won handily in 2020, but now both states are in play. Trump is within single digits in New York and about five points in New Jersey.

Even so, Biden’s campaign stated, “Trump’s photo-ops and PR stunts may get under the skin of some very serious DC people as compelling campaigning, but they will do nothing to win over the voters that will decide this election.”

Compare Trump’s photo ops to Biden’s, where he goes to minority communities telling them they are not black or Hispanic if they vote for Trump over Biden.

Operatives are right for panicking because Joe Biden is truly a sinking ship.

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