November 14, 2023

Biden Calls Harris ‘President’ during Stanley Cup Champion Visit

Once again, Joe Biden has elevated Kamala Harris to president.

The latest gaffe by Joe Biden happened when the Vegas Golden Knights were in town to celebrate their Stanley Cup win at the White House.

During the ceremony, Biden stated, “President Harris is here to make sure we do this the right way.”

Oops, Again

Joe Biden seems ready to turn over the Resolute Desk to Harris, as he has made this mistake more than half a dozen times during public appearances.

The timing of this could not have been worse for Biden.

The gaffe comes after a weekend of former Obama adviser David Axelrod telling the media that Biden’s age is clearly an issue that is now a major problem and obstacle in Biden getting elected again in 2024.

Axelrod stated, “In front of the camera, what he’s projecting is causing people concerns, and that is worrisome.”

If this happens once, it is not a big deal, but the same thing keeps happening over and over again.

Axelrod made his comments after a new poll came out showing that 71% of voters in swing states believe that Biden is “too old to be an effective president.”

The same poll only had 39% saying the same thing about Trump, who is only three years younger than Biden.

Voters are now clearly worried about Biden being able to carry out the duties for an additional four years, and this is likely to have just as much to do with Biden as it is the fact that Harris would become president if Joe cannot fulfill his term for any reason.

There is probably only one person in this country who is polling worse than Biden right now, and that is Kamala Harris, who people like less and less the more they see of her.

It has gotten so bad, we barely see her in public anymore, but Joe is going to have no choice but to run her out there during election season and hope to God she doesn’t serve up more word salads on the campaign trail.

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