December 10, 2023

Biden Attorney Claims Nobody Other Than Hunter Would Be Charged For $1.4M Tax Bill

Hunter Biden is not going to wriggle his way out this one.

The son of President Joe Biden was just slammed with NINE additional charges.

Now, he could be facing up to 17 years in prison.

However, maybe the most mind-blowing bit of this updated is the profound arrogance of Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell.

His latest statement regarding the new charges against Hunter Biden has left Republicans everywhere absolutely sickened.

“Where’s the fairness, justice and decency in this?” said Lowell.

Lowell continued to say that Hunter Biden was not deserving of the charges for one simple reason: Hunter Biden has cleaned up his act.

“He got himself sober in 2019. And he paid all the taxes that are owed in this indictment more than two years ago with interest and penalties,” Lowell said.

Beverly Moran, a tax law expert from Vanderbilt University, provided a key bit of information for the Associated Press.

"Most people who commit tax fraud go through their entire lives without anything happening. They don't audited, they don't get caught, they don't get prosecuted. But if they get prosecuted, they get convicted," said Moran.

Let’s read that last bit again.

“If they get prosecuted, they get convicted.”

Just to prove that tax expert, Beverly Moran, is speaking factually -- in 2021, NINETY percent of tax evasion cases that were pursued by the IRS ended in a conviction.

Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, seems to have it backwards.

He believes his client is being unfairly treated, saying no one else would get treated this poorly!

Sorry to burst your bubble, Lowell, but Hunter Biden is not above the law.

Meanwhile, all President Joe Biden can do is deny, deny deny.

Biden continues to say he will not pardon his son, Hunter, if he is found guilty.

The Biden family is doing what they do best -- lie until they get caught then complain that it’s not fair.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime!

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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