November 9, 2023

Biden ATF Director Puts Banning ‘Assault Weapons’ on His Wish List

Give a man a rope and he thinks he is a cowboy. Give him an inch, and he will try to take a foot.

They are sayings that my father used to say but never have truer words been spoken to describe ATF Director Steven Dettelbach.

Recent comments made by Dettelbach at Harvard Kennedy School are hot off the press, and it is not good for the future of the Second Amendment.

Ban Them All

A weapon is defined as “a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.”

Assault is defined as “a physical attack” or “making a physical attack.”

So, by definition, an assault weapon would be a weapon capable of carrying out a physical attack on someone causing bodily harm or physical damage.

During his speech, Dettelbach stated that he wanted to ban “assault weapons.”

By that definition, every gun in existence is an “assault weapon” because they are all capable of causing bodily harm or physical damage.

BUT, then again, so is a car, a knife, a pen, a bat, a baseball, a hockey stick, a spatula, hot grease, etc.

The problem is the people, not the guns.

We have a gazillion gun laws on the books, not counting all the controls in place to avoid weapons getting into the hands of the wrong people.

Many of these checks and balances are found to have been missed when we have a mass shooting.

Then, when you have your run-of-the-mill shooting in Chicago, the weapons are often found to be illegal weapons.

You see the theme here, right? Stop putting more laws on the books and start enforcing the ones we have.

Oh, and there is that pesky little issue of prosecuting violent crimes when they happen… that might actually help keep the people off the streets that are dropping bodies like most of us just handed out Halloween candy.

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