May 23, 2024

Biden at Risk of Being Left Off Ohio Ballot

If nothing changes, and soon, Joe Biden could find himself off the Ohio ballot.

The state’s election rules call for the candidate to be certified at least 90 days before election day.

Currently, the Democrat National Convention where Biden will be certified is on August 19, 12 days after the deadline.

Joe, You Are Out

This has happened in the past, but the state legislatures have always made changes to accommodate the candidate.

In fact, Donald Trump ran into this problem during his presidential campaign.

I don’t know why party officials do not check these rules, or they just assume the state will accommodate them.

That, however, will not happen because a legislative fix has been removed from the books after the Ohio House broke before voting on the Senate bill that was passed to accommodate Biden.

Secretary of State Frank LaRose said, “Today, the Speaker of the Ohio House told members of the media there would not be a legislative solution,” adding he was “duty bound to instruct boards of elections to begin preparing ballots that do not include the Democratic Party’s nominees for president and vice President of the United States.”

Democrats will now have to sue the state, change the date of the convention, or hope the governor calls for a special session to pass the legislation.

Biden lost this state in 2020 by about eight points, and he is currently down about 10 points in polling, so this just seems silly for the legislature to keep him off the ballot.

The last thing you want to do is give Democrats a reason to complain about election interference by Republicans, especially since Trump has been crying about it since he was first indicted.

The person who scheduled the convention should be fired, but this is not the way that Republicans want to win this state.

My guess here is that the governor will either step in or Democrats will win the case in court to have Biden put on the ballot.

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