March 20, 2024

Biden Asks Permission from Staff to Take Questions

The questions about Joe Biden’s mental health and his ability to carry out the duties of president are growing.

Every time Biden makes an appearance, it seems as though he says or does something that creates a buzz, and not in a good way.

The latest was Biden at a Michigan campaign event, where he asked his staffers for permission to take questions.

You Are the President, Sir

On Thursday, Joe was in Saginaw for a campaign event.

After Biden gave his speech, he was overheard asking a staffer, “Can I take a couple questions?”

The staffer agreed, but then Biden was suddenly shuffled off the stage and into his car.

Staffers were heard shouting, “Thank you. Press…back in the vehicles.”

The timing of this could not be worse for Biden, who many conservatives believe is nothing more than a puppet being told what to do with others actually making the calls.

That perception was not helped when Obama was seen entering the residence of the British PM this week.

Rumors have been flying for some time that Jill Biden and several top Biden officials are the ones really calling all the shots, and Joe Biden is just along for the ride, a point some conservative media members touched on after seeing that clip of Biden asking for permission to take questions.

For instance, columnist Buzz Patterson posted, “This is bad. Really bad. They’ve told his staff not to let him open his mouth.

“Trump would’ve walked out and spoken spontaneously for an hour.”

Fox News’ Joe Concha added, “So if wondering why poll numbers are dropping post State of the Union, here’s Exhibit Z since then…”

This has been the typical move by Biden staffers when he makes an appearance.

Joe’s batteries are good for about 20 minutes before he starts going down the rabbit hole, so there is no way his staffers are going to allow him to take off-the-cuff questions unless Joe has his little cheat sheet tucked away in his blazer.

This is not going to help Biden’s polling numbers, as he has to show the American people he is up for the task, something we all know he is not.

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