February 26, 2024

Biden Ancestor Evaded Attempted Murder Conviction

For those of you who read my reports regularly, you know one of the few pundits on air today that I respect is Jonathan Turley, a noted professor and constitutional expert.

Turley recently penned an op-ed piece on The Hill, outlining how getting out of legal problems appears to be a family trait for the Bidens.

Turley referred to a historian’s report on Joe Biden’s Great-Great-Grandpa Moses Robinette, who managed to wiggle himself out of a legal jam.

It’s About Who You Know

The case of Robinette is an oddly familiar one, as his “incident” sounds a lot like the incident that Joe Biden once described, only he was on the bad end of the knife.

According to the historical report, Moses Robinette was caring for horses for the Union Army when he was overhead badmouthing another man.

Unfortunately for Robinette, that man was within earshot and he confronted Robinette.

The confrontation led to Robinette drawing a knife and cutting the man, John J. Alexander, several times.

During the trial, it was noted that Alexander had been bleeding from several cuts and Robinette had been drunk and had incited a “dangerous quarrel.”

Robinette stated that he had no intent of murder, arguing, “I had no malice towards Mr. Alexander before or since. He grabbed me and possibly might have injured me seriously had I not resorted to the means that I did.”

According to the historical account, Robinette was the only one armed in the fight, however.

Robinette was found guilty of attempted murder, but he happened to have the right contacts, with his friends pressuring Senator Waitman T. Willey (R-W.V.) to try to get Robinette pardoned.

Eventually, the case found its way to the desk of Abraham Lincoln, and Robinette was pardoned on September 1, 1864.

Turley wrapped up his piece perfectly, stating, “After generations, the Bidens are still showing the same nimble qualities of great-great-granddad Moses. Indeed, they could replace the legend on their family crest with ‘Manus manum lavat,’ translated to ‘one hand washes the other.’”

So there you have it… Biden corruption that runs almost two centuries old.

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