January 28, 2024

Biden Administration Condemns Venezuelan Court Decision

America's federal government has a serious problem with the decision of Venezuela's highest court to block the presidential candidacy of Maria Corina Machado.

So do 30 other world leaders.

Maria Corina Machado won his country's presidential primary in October with more than 90% of the vote.

Previously, Joe Biden has had to threaten Venezuela with economic sanctions if its leaders refused to allow fair and Democratic elections.

It looks as though America might have to take action, but is Biden willing to put his money where his mouth is?

After all, if over 90% of the population want to see Maria Corina Machado get a shot in the presidential election, shouldn't that be what happens?

If Venezuela isn't going to allow the people to pick their leaders, then why have elections at all?

As a result, America might be ready to put some trade penalties on Venezuela until the country is ready to treat its citizens like human beings.

"The United States is currently reviewing our Venezuela sanctions policy, based on this development and the recent political targeting of democratic opposition candidates and civil society," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said.

Just days after Maria Corina Machado had announced she was entering the race, Venezuela's government declared "a 15-year ban on her running for office."

Maria Corina Machado immediately rejected the ban.

Apparently, much of Venezuela's voting population did as well.

Now, a Venezuelan court has decided that Maria Corina Machado should not have been allowed to win the election.

Maria Corina Machado had continued to campaign against incumbent President Nicolas Maduro.

Preventing Machado and other candidates from being on the Venezuelan ballot would break an agreement that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro signed with American-backed people last year.

Just like we're having to wait and see in America right now, let's see if Democracy prevails in Venezuela.

To read more about the details of this story, you can click on the original source here.

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