February 28, 2024

Biden Administration Backs Big Tech in Supreme Court Case

There are two cases before the Supreme Court right now that have the entire Democrat Party in a tizzy.

Netchoice v. Paxton and Moody v. Netchoice are two cases brought by Texas and Florida to challenge the censorship by big tech.

With the wide censorship of conservatives on social media outlets over the last six years or so, it was no surprise to hear that the Biden administration is arguing in favor of big tech.

Keep Them Quiet

It is not a conspiracy theory that conservatives were censored after Trump took office.

I can attest firsthand how reach disappeared overnight on Facebook and Twitter, and I know at least a dozen other people, as well as thousands more who complained on social media about the same thing happening to them.

I would literally have friends calling me asking why I had not posted on FB or Twitter.

These were all people who followed me and interacted with my posts, yet they hardly saw anything that I had posted.

So, Florida and Texas sued to ensure that big tech companies could not silence their residents.

If the red states win their case, it would strip Section 230 protections away from these outlets, but that is a big if.

The question here is whether these outlets are publishers or more like utility companies.

I think Justice Kavanaugh hit the nail on the head when assessing the case, stating, “The First Amendment stands against that.

“However much validity may be found in these arguments, at each point, the implementation of a remedy calls for some mechanism, either government or consensual.

“And if it’s governmental, that’s just one brings about a confrontation with the express provisions of the First Amendment. Compelling editors or publishers to publish that which reason tells them should not be published is what is at issue in this case.”

U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar then argued that these are private entities that are not bound by the First Amendment, so they can run their outlets as they see fit.

The outcome of this case will be substantial, but I think we really need to pay attention to Justice Roberts’ comments on this case as we move forward.

As I have stated before, one of the Trump justices always seems to follow him in a case where Roberts goes across the aisle and sides with the liberal justices.

If he goes, I think at least one more will go with him, which would hand the victory to big tech and Democrats.

We will keep our ears to the ground for any hints of how the court is leaning and report them when available.

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