March 31, 2024

Biden Admin Authorizes Billions Of Dollars For Israel

Concerns over civilian casualties and how to handle Gaza in general has led to a bit of a rift between America and Israel lately, but our differences have been set aside, at least for now.

The Biden administration just authorized billions of dollars in bombs and airplanes for Israel.

This isn't the first time that Joe Biden has seemingly flipped regarding his stance on Israel.

Does Joe Biden support Israel or not?

At least for now, this transfer of bombs and fighter jets to Israel show that America's liberals aren't completely supporting Hamas just yet.

Perhaps Israel could use this aid to accomplish its goals before Biden ever gets the chance to turn on one of our oldest allies.

A State Department official reported explained to Fox News that "fulfilling an authorization from one notification to Congress can result in dozens of individual Foreign Military Sales cases across the decades-long life-cycle of the congressional notification."

"As a matter of practicality, major procurements, like Israel’s F-35 program for example, are often broken out into several cases over many years," the official continued.

General Charles Q. Brown Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed on Thursday that Israel hasn't received all of the military arms it has requested in its battle against Hamas:

"Although we've been supporting them with capability, they've not received everything they've asked for," he said. "Some of that is because they've asked for stuff that we either don't have the capacity to provide or not willing to provide, not right now."

"We have continued to support Israel’s right to defend itself," one White House official said. "Conditioning aid has not been our policy."

Despite appearing to want to help Israel for now, this entire issue has caused a rift between American Republicans and Democrats and a rift between America and Israel.

Only Joe Biden could destroy relations with one of our greatest allies like this.

To read more about this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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