November 5, 2023

Biden Admin Approves $950M For Border Upgrades


The pressure has gotten to be too much for Joe Biden, and he's agreed to do something that he had promised to do on day one of his administration:

Make progress at America's southern border.

Illegal immigration is one of the biggest issues facing America these days.

That's because it's tied into almost every other issue in the country in some way.

Our failing economy could be blamed on trying to take care of more people than our infrastructure will allow. That's what happens when almost 2% of America's population has been imported here by Joe Biden.

America's battle with China is also tied into illegal immigration, because the Mexico-America border isn't just being used by Mexicans to cross into our country. It is being used by people from all sorts of countries who want to sneak into America.

When Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to be America's border czar, it was for one reason and one reason only.

Because he didn't actually want America's southern border fixed.

Instead, Biden put the most incompetent person he could thing of in charge of America's southern border, knowing that Harris would NEVER be able to fix the situation there.

He may have even known that she was too lazy to even fake putting in the effort as well.

Now, pressure from voters has made Biden FINALLY have to do something at our southern border unless he wants to pay the price next election.

Even America's liberals are starting to understand that Biden's importation of illegal immigrants is simply becoming way too much for this country to handle.

As a result, Biden's going to put up a show for a little bit, pretending to do the right thing as we head into the 2024 election.

Even after this funding, it's pretty clear that Biden doesn't ACTUALLY want the problem fixed.
To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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