January 26, 2024

Biden Accused of Fabricating Paper Trail to Shut Down Chemical Plant

Did the Biden administration purposely create a paper trail to justify shutting down a chemical plant?

If a Fox News report is accurate, that is exactly what happened.

The report resulted in House Republicans opening up a probe into the matter surrounding the shutdown of the synthetics manufacturer Denka Performance Elastomer (DPE) plant.

Not Mine

This all stems from testimony given by Michael Morton, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 science liaison to the EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) in Washington, D.C., during a November deposition.

Morton was asked about an email trail that allegedly originated from his office to the ORD.

When Morton was shown the emails, he responded, "I didn't write that. I didn't say that. For – for that part, I didn't – I don't know that, so I don't know who wrote that.”

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan had visited the location of the plant and vowed to protect residents against the “harmful chloroprene emissions from the Denka facility.”

When House Environment Subcommittee Chair Max Miller (R-OH) and Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Chair Brian Babin (R-TX) started to look into the matter, they penned a letter to Regan demanding answers to clarify the origins of that email.

The letter, in part, stated, "Officials in EPA’s Office of Research and Development may have violated scientific integrity policies by influencing EPA’s Region 6 Office to withdraw a request for a scientific review of the cancer risk assessment in the 2010 Toxicology Review of Chloroprene under EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System Program.”

The letter continued, "Based on this evidence alone, it appears that ORD officials, in an apparent effort to build a fabricated scientific record, authored the email withdrawing the request for scientific review on behalf of Region 6, which had previously determined a scientific review necessary. This practice is otherwise known as 'ghostwriting.'

"Additionally, because this ghost-written email was sent several weeks after the chloroprene nomination was rejected, the actions undertaken by ORD officials appear to be a retroactive attempt to provide scientific rationales and may have been an action to silence scientific opinions of chloroprene that differ from the Agency’s public position.”

The latter part of that was in reference to the discovery that metadata was submitted that shows the email originating from the ORD office, then being sent to itself using Morton’s email.

This starts with fraud, and only legal experts will be able to explain just how damaging this could be to the Biden administration, especially on the legal front with actions that could be taken by the plant owners.

Another day, another massive scandal that is rocking the Biden White House.

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