March 15, 2024

Bernie Sanders Triggered Over Reporter's 32-Hour Workweek Question

Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., found himself in a heated exchange with FOX Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn during a chance encounter in the halls of Capitol Hill.

The confrontation centered on Sanders' advocacy for a 32-hour workweek and Vaughn's probing questions regarding its feasibility and potential impact on businesses.

Sanders, serving as chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), recently led a hearing titled, "Workers Should Benefit from New Technology and Increased Productivity: The Need for a 32-Hour Work Week with No Loss in Pay."

At the hearing, Sanders championed the concept, drawing parallels to shorter workweeks implemented in European countries like France, Norway, Denmark, and Belgium.

"We held a hearing on a 32-hour workweek," Sanders said. "Because what we have seen is that over the last 50 years, despite a huge increase in worker productivity, almost all of the wealth has gone to the top 1%, while 60% of the people living paycheck to paycheck.

"Many of our people are exhausted. We work the longest hours of any people in the industrialized world. I think it's time for a shortened workweek," he added.

When Vaughn attempted to inquire about the implications of Democratic policies on businesses, Sanders interrupted her, expressing skepticism about her characterization of such policies. Despite Vaughn's persistence in framing her question, Sanders continued to interject, asserting his views on the necessity of a shorter workweek to address income inequality and worker exhaustion.

Sanders emphasized the need for billionaires like Jeff Bezos to pay their fair share of taxes, particularly in light of their disproportionately low tax rates compared to average workers.

Vaughn's attempts to steer the conversation toward the survival of businesses under Democratic proposals were met with Sanders' steadfast focus on tax reform and income distribution.

The tense exchange underscored the broader tensions surrounding Sanders' advocacy for progressive policies and the concerns raised by critics regarding their economic viability.

Sanders' refusal to entertain Vaughn's questions in the manner she intended highlighted the depth of his convictions and the challenges inherent in navigating discussions around contentious policy proposals.

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