October 24, 2023

Bernie Sanders Money Funnel to Wife and Stepson

Do you know that guy who ran for president and opined about the corruption that he always fights?

Well, as it turns out, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is just as corrupt as the rest of them.

In the last year, Sanders has funneled $275,000 to his wife and stepson’s nonprofit, which happens to be very profitable for David Driscoll, who is Sanders’ stepson.

Show Me the Money

In 2017, Jane O'Meara Sanders and David Driscoll, who are Sanders' wife and stepson, founded the Sanders Institute.

According to Jane Sanders, the Institute was founded for, "The purpose is to revitalize democracy in the support of progressive institutions. Our feeling is at our point in time, our country is at a crossroads, and people are engaged in a political process that can be opaque.

"A vital democracy requires an informed electorate, civil discourse, and bold thinking. So we put together this team to focus on issues, but not in a partisan way, not in a way that just focuses on the latest crazy thing. It will not be about Trump; it will be about the issues facing the country."

I believe it was founded to create a salary for Driscoll. I say this because the Institute has very little activity, and its main donor seems to be Bernie’s campaign.

If you look at the financials for 2021, the Institute only raised $716,618.

Of that money, $257,000 went to salary, which is almost 40% of the take. Of that money, $152,653 went to David Driscol as his salary.

So far this year, Bernie Sanders’ campaign cut two checks for $100,000 each and an additional $75,000 was sent earlier this year, for a total of $275,000.

Kendra Arnold, executive director of the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, stated, "Obviously, a senator is not allowed to use his campaign to simply transfer large sums of money to family members – regardless of the route the dollars take.

"While on its face, the percentage the nonprofit paid out in salary alone is not necessarily problematic, legally the issue hinges on whether the salaries were paid for bona fide services at fair market value.

“In other words, if the nonprofit and its executive director are truly producing work and actually earning the money, it is not illegal, but it is frowned upon.

“On the other hand, if nothing or very little is being done to earn the money legitimately, then it is highly likely a serious campaign finance violation has taken place."

These people are corrupt, plain and simple, and they are not even trying to hide it any longer.

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