June 7, 2024

Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison July 1

Another shot against a Trump ally, this time it being Steve Bannon.

This week, Bannon had his bail revoked, and he was ordered to report to prison to start serving his prison sentence by July 1.

Ironically enough, it was a Trump-appointed judge that revoked the bail and made the order.

Time to Get Your Jumpsuit

The timing of this, of course, is very suspect.

Bannon has taken on a significant role in Trump’s re-election as one of his most vocal surrogates in the media as well as the campaign trail.

That is all about to end now that his bail has been revoked.

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, in announcing the decision, stated, “My stay of Mr. Bannon’s obligation to self-surrender is revoked.

“I do not believe that the original basis for my stay of Mr. Bannon’s sentence exists anymore.”

Conservative Article III Project founder Mike Davis ripped the decision, stating, “This is all part of a broader criminal conspiracy by Biden, his aides, and his allies to politicize and weaponize law enforcement and intel agencies to violate the constitutional rights of Trump, his aides, and his allies for the purposes of partisan lawfare and election interference. These are republic-ending tactics.”

That is a rather confusing statement because the judge was a Trump-appointee, which would mean that Trump was duped when he nominated this judge.

That aside, I just find it very suspicious of the timing, as this will take Bannon out of the picture for the remainder of the election cycle.

While I don’t expect Bannon to go without a fight, I am not really sure what cards he has left to play on this front.

This is going to be a crushing blow for Trump because Bannon can and does talk about a lot of stuff that Trump cannot speak of due to gag orders that have been placed against him.

It will be curious to see who steps up for Trump on this front to fill that void.

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