February 20, 2024

Babylon Bee Taking Free Speech Fight to the Supreme Court

Arguably the biggest satire outlet in publishing, the Babylon Bee, is taking the right to free speech to the Supreme Court.

The publication filed an amicus brief in favor of reeling in big tech and its censoring.

The brief attacks big tech for randomly changing its standards, standards that nobody seems to know, to silence voices, often conservative ones.

Fighting the Man

Most big tech outlets, such as X, Facebook, and Instagram, all claim to be content-neutral, but I can tell you from firsthand experience that is not the case.

Prior to the Musk takeover of Twitter and rebranding it as X, I was lucky to get any interaction at all when making posts about Democrats.

Facebook has penalized me more times than I can count, usually for reposting true stories that pushed a narrative the outlet did not approve of.

There are now two cases before the Supreme Court, one from Texas and one from Florida, that are challenging the transparency of big tech on these matters.

It is easy to understand why the Babylon Bee is joining this fight with Texas and Florida, as it had been suspended by Twitter in 2022 after it named Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine as “Man of the Year.”

If you have been sleeping under a rock, Levine is transgender.

Facebook flagged the Bee for a satire piece about the confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett titled, “Senator Hirono Demands ACB Be Weighed Against a Duck to See If She Is a Witch."

YouTube also flagged the Bee and tagged it as a “violent criminal organization” for questioning the censorship of the Nashville Shooter’s manifesto.

The video was titled, "If the LEAKED Nashville Shooter Manifesto is legit, what does it say about censorship in the US?"

YouTube more or less made the Bee’s point by censoring the account for that post.

Now, we have all seen the hateful things posted by the left, but they often go unchecked, so this ruling could be devastating for social media companies.

I see lawsuits in their future if these companies are forced to produce these policies that are seemingly only for employees monitoring content, and we find out they were ignoring hateful content from the left, while being overzealous against conservatives.

And I cannot wait to see the Bee’s piece on that outcome!

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