February 12, 2024

Axelrod: Michelle Obama Will Not Be Replacing Joe Biden

Every conspiracy theorist in politics has been predicting for months that Michelle Obama would swoop in at the last minute to replace Joe Biden on the Democrat presidential ticket.

That rumor took on new life over the last week when Trump’s new ally, Vivek Ramaswamy, started to promote it.

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod has hopefully put that rumor to rest once and for all.

She Doesn’t Like Politics

We have covered the reports of Michelle Obama stepping in at the last minute, but I have put at the conclusion of each of those reports that I was not buying into the idea that Michelle would give up her glitzy lifestyle to take a run at the White House.

It just makes no sense.

Michelle has always openly spoken about her dislike of politics and more specifically, how much she hated living in the White House.

Now you can add the fact that she and Barack are raking in tens of millions of dollars every year with all of their new ventures.

That, of course, does not even include hanging out with the rich and famous on their yachts and flying on their private planes while preaching to the rest of us about the dangers of climate change.

Former Obama campaign manager David Axelrod just put this to rest, finally, while talking on CNN this weekend…

If Joe Biden, for some reason, has to step aside, my guess is that Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom would be asked to step in, but it surely will not be Michelle Obama.

Joe Biden presents the best possible chance for Republicans to win the White House, so it is not unreasonable to think that Democrats will somehow force him out, but it will just not be Michelle replacing him on the ballot.

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