February 2, 2024

Austin Apologizes for Secret Hospital Visit

This week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was finally back at work.

Austin has been under fire since it was revealed that he had an operation and was then re-admitted after complications, all without informing the White House.

Upon returning to work, Austin addressed the media, apologizing for his absence.

Not Accepted

I give Austin credit only for the fact that he stood before the media and took the heat, but nothing else.

He stated, “We did not handle this right. I did not handle this right. I should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis.

“I should have also told my team and the American public, and I take full responsibility. I apologize to my teammates and to the American people.”

Simply put, that is not acceptable to me, nor is it acceptable to most Americans.

If any one of us had disappeared and not properly reported to our bosses, we would have been fired.

As former military, Austin knows the ramifications of going AWOL, a point made by a former Navy SEAL, who stated that if he had done that while in the service, he would have received a “range of punishments … from restriction, demotion, pay taken, loss of security clearances, brig, or even an ‘other than honorable’ discharge.”

The media addressed this issue, with a reporter from NBC News asking, “You were hospitalized for days before you informed the White House or the Commander-in-Chief of your condition in your absence.

“Anyone else within the military chain of command would have faced reprimand or even dismissal. Why shouldn’t that same standard apply to you, sir?”

Austin replied, “Well, let me just say — thanks for the question — that, that we didn’t get this right.

“And as I said, I take full responsibility for the department’s actions in terms of why — on the second notification was not made to the White House, that information was available. I’m not sure, at this point, what exactly happened, but I think details will play out as the review is conducted.”

Again, while I appreciate the apology and addressing the media, that is just not acceptable, especially when you consider the raised tensions in the Middle East and the fact we are contributing to wars on two different fronts.

Are you seriously telling me that in addition to not demanding his resignation, Joe Biden will not discipline Austin in any way, shape, or form for his absence?

That sums up the Biden administration perfectly… chaos.

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