January 24, 2024

AUDIO: AZ GOP Chair DeWit Tried to Bribe Lake Not to Run

Going back to March 2023, Kari Lake told the crowd at the annual CPAC event that someone had tried to bribe her out of running for election.

Lake has always had a flair for the dramatic, and many of us dismissed the allegation because she failed to back it up with any proof at the time.

It turns out, Lake was telling the truth, and now there is leaked audio to prove it.

Lake Was Right

Lake started this narrative during CPAC, stating, "They came to my door and they tried to bribe me out of getting out of politics. This really happened. I'm telling you this because this is how disgusting politics is."

With no real proof of the incident, it was dismissed as Lake stretching the truth.

That all changed after this audio was leaked, with the story having first been published in the Daily Mail…

Lake then demanded that DeWit resign for being a corrupt party chair who would even consider asking a candidate to step down for money.

She stated, “He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party.”

I am not a real fan of Lake’s, but she got this one 100 percent correct.

The fact the party chair was even entertaining such a thought is disturbing, let alone presenting it to a candidate as business as usual in the party.

It also goes to show just how corrupt the political system has become in terms of influence.

Money runs these parties, and that is who these people represent because it surely is no longer We the People.

It is hard to imagine that this is not happening in other states, and perhaps that is what is hurting some of these candidates who are not willing to play ball with the elites of the party.

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