November 12, 2023

Appeals Court Rules Against Changing Definition Of Firearm

Biden's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) has REALLY been overstepping its bounds lately.

Luckily, that's why we have a system of checks and balances.

America's Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled against Biden's ATF.

The agency wanted to change how America defines a firearm.

At least, that's how it phrased what officials planned to do.

We all know that liberals are trying to change the Second Amendment, and this is a way to do it without directly attacking the Constitution.

It would appear as though such efforts have been stopped, at least for now.

The court decided that Biden's bureau has exactly zero legal authority to put forth a rule that "would require gun vendors to treat firearm parts like pistol grips and firing mechanisms as fully completed firearms, meaning they would need to have serial numbers."

The rule first came out in April of 2022, and was meant to make it easier for the ATF to track homemade firearms.

Seems like a decent sentiment, but it doesn't mean that we should throw out the Constitution in order to get it done.

That's EXACTLY what Joe Biden's ATF was trying to do.

And that's EXACTLY why Joe Biden's ATF was unanimously thwarted by the court.

"Where an executive agency in what is, for all intents and purposes, ‘law making,’ the legislature is deprived of its final function under our Constitution, and our citizens are robbed of their right to fair representation in government. This is especially true when the executive rule-turned-law criminalizes conduct without the say of the people who are subject to its penalties," Judge Kurt Englehardt wrote.

"ATF, in promulgating its Final Rule, attempted to take on the mantle of Congress to ‘do something’ with respect to gun control," Engelhardt continued. "But it is not the province of an executive agency to write laws for our nation. That vital duty, for better or for worse, lies solely with the legislature."

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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