February 29, 2024

Appeals Court Rejects Meadows Effort to Move RICO Case to Federal Court

The appeal for Donald Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, has finally been decided.

Meadows was hoping to have his case sent to a federal court, where he thought he would be able to get the case dismissed.

His plan, however, has been foiled, as it was announced Wednesday that his appeal was denied.

Sorry, Mark

Meadows' motion was initially denied last year, so Meadows filed his appeal with the 11th Circuit Cout of Appeals in December.

He lost the initial appeal, with the court stating that the actions in question were not related to his duties as Chief of Staff, which is the argument Meadows made to get immunity in the case.

After he lost, Meadows filed for a “rehearing” on the matter, which also ruled against him.

The ruling was short and to the point.

It stated, "The Petition for Rehearing En Banc is DENIED, no judge in regular active service on the Court having requested that the Court be polled on rehearing en banc."

Meadows has maintained from the outset that he did nothing wrong other than to perform the duties requested of him by then-President Trump.

Even if Meadows was not able to get the case dismissed, if tried in a federal court, he would arguably have a far more sympathetic jury on the case than he will get in Fulton County, especially now that Mike Roman and Trump have put DA Fani Willis through the wringer over her affair with prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Willis has been in court recently to defend her actions and try to fight off the motion to have her removed from the case.

However, Willis may have perjured herself on the stand, and if that is the case, being removed from the case is the last thing that she will have to worry about.

She could possibly be suspended or outright lose her law license if that is the case, but we are getting way ahead of ourselves on that narrative.

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