January 24, 2024

Appeals Court Denies Review of January 6 Gag Order for Trump

Donald Trump has been dealt yet another setback by the lower courts in his effort to have a gag order removed in his election interference case.

The DC Circuit Court of Appeals has declined a request to take a further look at the gag order that had been issued.

This means that Trump is likely to send the request to the Supreme Court.

Trump Denied

Trump has run into some serious resistance in these cases, but that is mostly because he is his own worst enemy on this front.

When the gag orders were stayed, Trump immediately went on Truth Social and posted something that would have violated the gag order had it been in place.

He has also violated previous gag orders by ripping court members.

You have to realize it does not matter if what Trump said was right or wrong because, legally, he had not been permitted to say those things, and that is how the court is going to look at this.

In this case, Trump has been banned from making any statements targeting or threatening foreseeable witnesses, court staff, and prosecutors.

Since the appeals court refused to take the case, Trump will likely file a motion with the Supreme Court as well as asking the court to stay the order until it has been fully litigated.

Experience tells me that while the Supreme Court may stay the order, the lower court order is likely to hold up.

Frankly, I would be surprised if the court even takes the case considering the appeals court’s denial.

This court has proven time and again that it will usually abide by the lower court ruling as long as it seems to be in line, especially in Donald Trump cases, where it knows it will face significant scrutiny due to the fact the court currently has three Trump appointees.

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