May 23, 2024

AOC Calls for Investigation of Justice Alito Over Revolutionary War Flag

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is up in arms.

Reports surfaced this week that a Revolutionary War-era flag had been flown at Justice Alito’s vacation home.

Since there were people flying the flag on January 6, she is now calling for an investigation into Alito.

Getting Ridiculous

AOC was on MSNBC whining about Alito flying “An Appeal to Heaven Flag” at his vacation home.

She stated, “This is an alarm that I’ve been sounding for quite some time now. I think that what we are seeing here is an extraordinary breach … of not just the trust and the stature of the Supreme Court, but we are seeing a fundamental challenge to our democracy.

“Samuel Alito has identified himself with the same people who raided the Capitol on Jan. 6 and is now going to be presiding over court cases that have deep implications over the participants of that rally.”

She then called for an investigation, stating, “And while this is a threat to our democracy, Democrats have a responsibility for … defending our democracy.

“And in the Senate, we have gavels — there should be subpoenas going out. There should be active investigations that are happening.”

This flag is not a controversial flag, but it is connected to the conservative movement and prayer, as numerous Republicans in the past have flown this flag during events.

Yes, it was flown during the January 6 riot, but so were American flags, so are we supposed to start investigating everyone that has an American flag flying as well?

The flag was designed by Col. Joseph Reed, George Washington’s Secretary, and flown by the Massachusetts Naval Squadron during the Revolutionary War.

Alito flying that flag would be akin to someone from Texas flying the Gadsden Flag or Come and Take It.

This flag is currently flying outside several congressional offices, such as Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO), who defended Alito, saying, “The ‘An Appeal to Heaven’ flag isn’t provocative and has nothing to do with Jan. 6.

“The liberal media should pick up a history book.”

Some people like historical flags, so this is hardly the deal the media and Democrats are making this out to be.

It is ridiculous, really, that they are even painting this flag in that way. I guess the Sons of Liberty Flag will be next to try to be outlawed by the Democrats.

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