March 14, 2024

Anti-terrorism Marine Sent to Secure U.S Embassy in Haiti

Over the last few weeks, Haiti has been in the headlines for an uprising by local gangs.

Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier, the leader of the G9 gang, has taken over the streets by unifying some local gangs and creating a situation that is being referred to as a low-scale civil war.

With the unrest, Biden has ordered a Marine group to Haiti to secure the embassy and protect personnel.

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The point of the uprising was to get Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign his position, and it has worked.

Henry has agreed to step down once a transitional counsel has been created.

Meanwhile, that has not stopped the insanity that is going on in the streets, which includes the gangs raiding a local prison and the airport and forcing families out of the area.

With embassy personnel at risk, the Marine Fleet-Anti-Terrorism Security Team (FAST) was dispatched to the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince.

The State Department explained that the force was dispatched to allow “non-emergency personnel to depart.”

Southern Command stated, “The US Embassy remains open, and limited operations continue, focused on assistance to US citizens and supporting Haitian-led efforts to secure a peaceful transition of power.”

But, I cannot help but wonder if that includes American missionaries who are in Haiti because reports have surfaced that they are begging for help and being ignored.

Miriam Cinotti, a missionary working in Haiti, stated, “Nobody’s reached out to us or anything. And then, of course, when we saw the non-essential workers get picked up, we were thinking, ‘Well, maybe they’re going to come back and start evacuating Port-au-Prince and then have a plane for everyone else.”

Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) decided to take matters into his own hands, as he has started his own evacuation mission.

He stated, “This mission reiterates a disturbing reality under President Biden’s leadership: American lives are continually jeopardized. I have led missions to rescue Americans multiple times when Joe Biden has deserted them.

“There’s a clear pattern of abandonment. Yet again, this group was left behind by Biden and his State Department after requesting their help in country.”

Protecting the embassy was the right move, but Biden can ill afford to leave Americans behind enemy lines again.

I would note, however, that the mainstream media is virtually ignoring the missionaries left behind while covering the Marine deployment.

We can only hope the truth gets out, as we cannot allow the mainstream media to brush this under the rug the way they did the botched Afghanistan withdrawal where Biden left more than 1,000 American citizens behind enemy lines.

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