November 28, 2023

Another Ballot Case Against Trump Tossed from Court

Democrats keep coming after Donald Trump with the 14th Amendment, and he keeps beating them back.

Yet again, a case to have Trump removed from the ballot was tossed out of court.

This time it was done by U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell Jr. in Rhode Island.

They Keep Trying

The suit was filed by John Anthony Castro, a longshot Republican candidate that nobody had ever heard of before.

Castro filed numerous suits around the country trying to use the 14th Amendment to have Trump removed from the ballot.

His case has been rejected by the Supreme Court, however, another case using the same tactic is set to go before the court.

In this case, however, Casto has his case tossed by McConnell, who is an Obama appointee.

McConnell ruled, “Accordingly, it follows that he has not shown that, as of that time, he had satisfied the injury-in-fact component of the standing inquiry.”

The Trump campaign pounced, with spokesman Steven Cheung stating, “The American people have the unassailable right to vote for the candidate of their choosing at the ballot box, something the Democrats and their allies driving these cases clearly disagree with.

“President Trump believes the American voters, not the courts, should decide who wins next year’s elections and we urge a swift dismissal of all such remaining bogus ballot challenges.”

These types of cases have now failed in Colorado, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Michigan.

I just cannot wait for one to get argued before the Supreme Court so we can put this issue to rest once and for all.

What is really upsetting about this is that we have members of Congress who support this knowing full well it is a bastardization of our Constitution.

But then again, if Democrats had their way, the Constitution would have already been put in the shredder.

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