June 5, 2024

Andy Kim Officials Wins Democrat Primary Race for NJ Senate Seat

Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) is officially out as the Democrat in the upcoming Senate race to defend his seat.

Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) won the primary race and will face off against Republican Curtis Bradshaw in November.

Kim won the nomination amid a bribery charges scandal and trial for Menendez.


Menendez has been polarizing from the very first day he took office.

He has been brought up on corruption charges before and not only beat what appeared to be a solid case, but he also managed to get re-elected in the process.

After finding gold bars and cash hidden around his home, I don’t think Menendez will be beating the charges this time, though.

Menendez was already out as a Democrat, but he reportedly recently registered as an independent to keep the hope alive.

The only way Kim is likely to lose this race is if Menendez enters it and draws votes from the rising star in the Democratic Party.

After he won the nomination, Kim stated, “What we achieved over the last eight months is remarkable.

“We built a stunningly powerful grassroots movement that took down the unfair ballot line and changed NJ politics forever.”

After filing as an independent in the race, Menendez stated, “It displeases me to have to go this route, thanks to overzealous prosecutors, but I will do what must be done to continue to uphold my oath of office for my constituents.”

Kim was initially a bit of a surprise, facing off against Governor Phil Murphy’s wife, Tammy, in the early stages of the primary.

When she announced, most believed she would be the frontrunner because of how popular Murphy is as the governor, but that did not translate to the Senate run.

Tammy Murphy eventually dropped out, more or less handing the nomination to Kim, who was not seeing much resistance from the rest of the field.

If Menendez follows through and runs as an independent, it will be very interesting to see how this all pans out come election day. You just never know, Menendez could deliver an early Christmas present to the GOP.

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