October 8, 2023

America Trusts GOP More Than Dems By Widest Margin In 30 Years

Uh-oh Democrats, you're on thin ice.

A recent poll has delivered liberals the worst news imaginable:

Americans trust Republicans more than they trust Democrats.

A LOT more.

In fact, Republicans haven't enjoyed this big of a lead in the trustworthiness department for more than three decades.

Of those who responded, 53% said that they trust America's GOP more than Democrats, especially in regard to the economy. Just 39% of participants were willing to say that they trust Democrats on that issue.

That isn't the only department in which Republicans have a lead, but it was one of the biggest.

This is a massive blow to Joe Biden's chances, because the economy seems to be one of the most important issues in very single election cycle.

That's because the economy doesn't care what social class you're in, it impacts all of us.

Super successful people want to be rewarded for their hard work, members of the middle class doesn't want to feel like they're living in poverty, and poor people want to feel like there's hope in the near future.

Biden's administration instills confidence in exactly zero of those things.

Unfortunately for Biden, it doesn't appear as though this situation is going to get better anytime soon.

According to a Fox Business report, "a growing amount of data indicates that a gigantic economic crisis could be right around the corner," perhaps comparable to the Great Depression.

If that happens, good luck to Biden on getting Americans to trust him about ANYTHING, much less the economy.

"When President Biden entered the White House in January 2021, it appeared that the economic crisis caused by the pandemic lockdowns would end soon. A COVID-19 vaccine had been developed, and many states had already started re-opening or preparing to re-open their economies," Fox Business reported. "But rather than return spending to normal levels, Biden and congressional Democrats – with the blessing of the Federal Reserve – opted to keep government expenditures significantly higher than they had been prior to the pandemic."

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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