July 3, 2024

All of a Sudden, Harris is Making Appearances with Joe Biden

It would appear that Kamala Harris is trying to position herself as a viable option to replace Joe Biden if he decides to step down as the nominee.

After months of posturing, we are hearing reports that Biden is now seriously considering giving up the nomination (although the White House denies these reports).

Curiously, Kamala Harris’ schedule has changed over the holiday weekend, and she will now be attached to Joe Biden at the hip.

Kamala Is in Town

Harris has pretty much done her own thing for the entirety of this presidency.

In fact, up until Joe Biden’s debate, we had barely heard a word about her.

Now, all of a sudden, Harris will be making appearances with Joe Biden over the July 4th weekend, which may be the most important weekend of his campaign.

Biden has to get voters to believe that he is capable of doing this job, or he may not have any choice but to step down and turn it over to Kamala.

And there is a very good reason why Kamala may be the answer for Dems rather than allowing someone else to run via the electors.

If Biden steps down from the nomination, his campaign will have to return donations, according to reports, and they don’t want to do that.

However, if Biden steps down and Kamala Harris takes over, that money stays put.

Harris, for her part, has been doing damage control since the debate, including an interview at a Nevada rally on Friday.

At the time, Harris stated, “There are three things that were true yesterday before the debate that are still true today. Let's level set on this. First, the stakes of this race could not be higher."

Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't Dems been saying that since the 2016 election?

She continued, “Second, the contrast in this election could not be more stark. And third, we believe in our President Joe Biden, and we believe in what he stands for.”

You can believe in what he stands for all you want, but the fact of the matter is that Biden is a puppet, and now the entire country knows it.

I think people would be more interested in learning who the real shot-caller in the White House is.

Now, let me tell you why I don’t think Joe Biden will step down… Jill Biden.

She continues to push forward because my belief is that Jill is, if not THE shot caller, then she is one of them, and she loves all this power, and I do not expect her to give it up.

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