November 2, 2023

AI Expert Warns Biden's Executive Order Could Be a Problem

At least one expert is warning that President Joe Biden's new executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) could cause problems for Americans.

Christopher Alexander, chief analytics officer of Pioneer Development Group, shared the concerns in an interview with Fox News Digital on Wednesday.

"One key area the Biden AI [executive order] is focused on includes the provision of 'testing data' for review by the federal government. If this provision allows the federal government a way to examine the 'black box' algorithms that could lead to a biased AI algorithm, it could be helpful," Alexander stated.

"Since core algorithms are proprietary, there really is no other way to provide oversight and commercial protections," Alexander added. "At the same time, this needs to be a bipartisan, technocratic effort that checks political ideology at the door or this will likely make the threat of AI worse rather than mitigate it."

"One thing is clear: to realize the promise of AI and avoid the risk, we need to govern this technology. There’s no other way around it," Biden shared on social media Tuesday.

"Yesterday, I signed an executive order that is the most significant action any government has ever taken on AI safety, security, and trust," he continued.

The major concerns in the order involve the requirement for AI developers to share test results with the government. The move is considered government overreach by some experts who see the opportunity for increased control of online content.

Others see the need for at least some government controls to keep AI developers honest about data usage.

Several authors and companies are already involved in lawsuits over the unauthorized use of content by AI companies.

Biden's order is likely to cause more problems for AI developers that could also drive up prices for those using paid AI services in the days ahead.

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