February 16, 2024

Acting Deputy Chief of Border Patrol Suspended

The situation for Joe Biden at the border has gotten worse, if you can possibly imagine that.

On Thursday, the Washington Post broke a story regarding the suspension of U.S. Border Patrol acting Deputy Chief Joel Martinez.

Exactly what he has done has not yet been reported, but we know the number two man has been suspended due to some type of misconduct.


Customs and Border Protection has not been very forthcoming with the information regarding the suspension of Martinez.

It did, however, release the following statement:

“We do not tolerate misconduct within our ranks.

“When we discover any alleged or potential misconduct, we immediately refer it for investigation and cooperate fully with any criminal or administrative investigations.

“This is the case whether the alleged misconduct occurs on or off duty. Federal privacy laws prohibit discussion of individual cases.”

Martinez has been working for Border Patrol for more than three decades, having also served as the Chief of the Laredo Sector and the Deputy Chief of the Rio Grande Valley Sector.

This is a scandal the Biden administration can ill afford right now, as immigration is front and center during this election cycle.

I would imagine the violation would have to be pretty horrific for this to be so hush-hush, and I am sure that Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas is now wondering what else could possibly go wrong for him on his watch.

The administration has set records month after month for immigration numbers, which has seen more than six million migrant encounters at the southern border alone, with estimates nationwide that include gotaways being more than nine million since Biden has taken office.

We will keep our eyes peeled for updates on the reason and post them as these details come in.

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