December 18, 2023

ABC Refutes Biden Claims About Israel ‘Indiscriminate Bombing’

Israel has taken a lot of heat from this administration and Democrats in general regarding civilian casualties during its war with Hamas.

Democrats have been hammering Israel on the death toll in Gaza, with the latest reports having somewhere around 15,000 total dead.

Biden recently added fuel to the fire on this topic by saying that Israel is committing “indiscriminate bombing” in Gaza, but ABC News, an outlet that has avoided criticizing Biden, debunked the claim.

You’re Wrong, Joe

The numbers sound awful, right… 15,000 dead in Gaza. What they are not saying, however, is that Hamasa fighters are included in that total, making up about a third of the overall death toll.

Now, 10,000 dead civilians still sounds awful, that is until you compare it to historical figures, which are far closer to a 3:1 ratio of civilians to troops during a war. By that measure, Israel is far below historical figures.

When Biden accused Israel of “indiscriminate bombing,” ABC News pushed back on CNN’s Natasha Bertrand's report for the framing of Israel using “dumb bombs” for nearly half its bombing attacks.

By dumb bombs, she is referring to bombs that are not guided munitions, but even that is a bit misleading because tactics are far different now, where even these bombs can be dropped in a relatively predictable area.

Additionally, the fact of the matter is that Israel is using guided weapons far more than have been used in other wars.

ABC News contributor Steve Ganyard, a former State Department official and Marine Corps fighter pilot explained, “Precision weapons are expensive and in short supply compared to ‘dumb’ bombs, but if Israel is using precision aerial weapons 55-60% of the time, then that is more than any country in the history of urban warfare.”

Nobody wants civilians to die in a war, but the reality of the situation is that in any war, more civilians will die than combatants, and it is about the effort to minimize those casualties.

By all accounts, Israel is doing everything in its power to keep that number as low as possible while Biden and Democrats villainize Netanyahu in what I believe is an effort to have him removed from power again.

Biden is selling out our biggest ally in the Middle East, but he just got caught by ABC News. It’s about time these outlets started reporting the truth rather than continuing to just regurgitate Democrat talking points.

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