Report: Rifles account for just 4% of US gun murders
This is a victory for gun-lovers, Republicans, and Donald Trump.
We've all been VINDICATED when it comes to arguments against our right to bear arms. It turns out, liberals have been GREATLY exaggerating the danger "assault rifles" pose to Americans all along.
Breitbart reports that "Data from PEW Research shows that rifles of all kinds–including those Democrats label 'assault weapons' -- accounted for only four percent of U.S. gun murders in 2023."
This proves something that most conservatives have known for a while:
Democrats don't really care if the facts back up their arguments, which is why they rely on emotion instead of the truth when trying to make their points.
The data collected by PEW came from the "FBI and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports, which showed there were 17,927 gun murders in the United States in 2023. Of those murders, 13,529, or 53 percent, were committed with handguns."
Just 4% of gun murders in America were committed with rifles and only 1% committed with shotguns.
Studies have long shown that rifles have never been the weapon of choice when it comes to murderers, but liberals always seem to ignore that fact.
According to Breitbart, 2022 figures from the FBI indicated that over twice as many people were killed with knives and other cutting tools than were killed with rifles in 2021.
That number was a change from 2020, when over 3.5 as many people were killed with knives than with rifles.
Despite all of this evidence, Democrats in various states are still working hard to secure bans on rifles and shotguns.
Democrats at the federal level call for a ban on "assault weapons" after almost every high-profile gun crime, even though very few of them actually know what an assault weapon is.
For example, many Democrats think that the "AR" in AR-15 stands for "assault rifle," when it actually means "ArmaLite Rifle," after the company that developed it.
Liberals in America have been working to dismantle America's Constitution for years in an attempt to put more power in the hands of the federal government and take it out of the citizens this country's government was originally designed to protect.
George Washington and the boys literally sailed across the entire ocean in order to escape a government that made laws similar to the ones America's liberals are coming up with these days.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Maybe the liberals in this country should stop yelling long enough to learn about the consequences their decisions might have.