GOP Voter Fraud Case in Arizona Tossed by Judge
Once again, the GOP is running into resistance from the bench in a voter fraud case.
The Arizona Republican Party was leading an effort in the state to clean up the state’s voter rolls.
However, the claim that somewhere between 500,000 and 1.27 million illegal registered voters has been tossed.
Say It Ain’t So
The issue is the same as it always is on this front… Democrats refusing to clean up voter rolls and removing individuals that have died or moved.
The plaintiffs claim that Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes is breaking the law for refusing to do state-mandated voter roll purges.
Attorney Dallin Holt reportedly created some type of computations using the records from the Census Bureau.
Holt used those computations to claim that the vote of his client is being diluted, but there are some big questions here.
Their claims were rejected by U.S. District Court Judge Dominic Lanza, who had even called out Holt for his clients admitting that the “hypothetical ineligible votes” actually are not being cast.
Holt said that the judge’s dismissal of the case is “as troublesome as it is incorrect.”
Fontes responded by saying the case is politically motivated and a waste of taxpayer money.
Holt previously stated that some 750,000 novices went out to voters to verify if they were still active in the area.
Roughly 620,000 of those notices were unreturned, which is what Holt is targeting to have removed from the voter rolls.
Juge Lanza says their complaint fell short, stating, “The complaint conspicuously fails to allege that any of these steps have actually occurred in Arizona.
“Instead, it simply speculates that the alleged lack of voter-maintenance means ineligible voters have an opportunity to vote in Arizona elections, risking the dilute of plaintiffs’ legitimate votes.”
That sounds like a lot of legalese backing up the idea that these states don’t have to worry about maintaining their voter rolls.
Like I said before, for people who regularly talk about free and fair elections, Democrats do an awful lot to keep those waters muddy!