October 12, 2024

Iowa Supreme Court green lights voting security lawsuit

Former President Donald Trump was proven RIGHT yet again.

When Trump even implied that there may be real issues surrounding voter fraud, liberals practically burned him at the stake.

However, we are seeing real proof time and time again that Trump was NOT crazy for his concerns.

The latest?

The Iowa Supreme Court has determined that an auditor from Linn Country, Joel Miller, will be allowed to continue with his lawsuit regarding the state’s voting system being vulnerable to hackers.

Now, the Iowa Voter Registration Commission will face Miller in a courtroom over the aforementioned concerns.

There must have been a large amount of factual evidence brought to the table by Miller if Iowa’s Supreme Court was not willing to only hear him out but also determine that the case can continue.

“Here we are today where my complaint is still valid because we are still using the same voter registration system that I complained about in 2019 when I started this process,” said Miller after the decision of the state’s Supreme Court was announced.

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate has now released a statement on the matter.

“I want to assure Iowa voters, first and foremost, that our election systems are secure. There are numerous safeguards and cybersecurity measures in place that protect our I-Voters database. With the rapid development of technology and rise in cyberattacks, we have significantly matured our cybersecurity posture around all of our elections systems, including I-voters, in the years since 2019,” Pate said.

Whatever Pate has to say really does not matter -- he will have to let the courts be the judge of if the election systems are truly secure.

If the court determines the election system is NOT secure, then Trump will have more tangible proof that he was right to be worried.

Do you think the court will find that the election systems in Iowa are faulty?

If you are interested in learning more about this story, please feel free to click on the source here!

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