July 5, 2024

REPORT: American National Pride Near Record Low

As we come out of our Independence Day weekend, the polls are always taken about how patriotic Americans are.

Well, this year, they are failing.

According to the latest surveys, we are at our lowest percentage of “proud” patriotic Americans since 2001.

Bad Days

According to the Gallup poll, only 41% of those surveyed were “extremely proud” to be Americans.

Even though Democrats have had the White House over the last four years, only 34% of Democrats cited “extreme pride” in their country.

Independents were also low, polling at 36% in the same category.

Margaret Talev, the director of the Syracuse University Institute for Democracy Journalism and Citizenship, tried to explain, stating, "These results don't mean that these Americans don't love being Americans or don't want to protect the values and freedoms of our country, but it does mean that they have concerns about some of the history or structural inequities that are baked into the country.”

Or maybe people are just embarrassed about how the global situation has fallen apart since the puppet was installed in the White House.

Our country is on the downswing, and I don’t think the majority of people would argue with me on that point.

Ask me if I am proud to be an American and Texan, and I will tell you yes, but I am also embarrassed at what has become of this country over the last few decades.

We have sissified our youth, accepted people identifying as cats as normal, and allowed criminals to rule our streets… so yes, that is embarrassing.

We also have a president in office who should be in an old age home, yet he has the nuclear codes and has the entire world laughing at us.

For the first time in forever, I have dozens of friends considering leaving the country for good to live in various parts of the world to get away from our high taxes and this insane liberal mindset that is taking over the country.

Oh, and by the way… just let me get this off my chest since we are in the patriotic season of our summer.

July 4 is a date, not a holiday. Independence Day is the name of the holiday.

You don’t say, “Merry December 25,” “Happy January 1,” or “Happy February 14.”

Happy Independence Day everyone!

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